2024-2025 Course Scheduling
GMS secondary students now have the opportunity to select their desired courses for the 2024-2025 academic year. Students will need to make the course selections by using grade level google forms available below. Students will also need to be logged into their school computer and use their student email to complete the forms. All submissions for the course schedule request forms are due on Friday, May 10th. Parents/guardians must partake in the course selection process. This is a great opportunity to start having meaningful career conversations. The Grand Mountain School Course Descriptions are available for you and your student to review to help with the decision-making process. Since there is limited seating, it is important for students to choose the most desired classes first. Students who do not submit a Schedule Request form will have their schedule created by the secondary counseling team and may not be enrolled in their desired courses.
All students are required to take core classes which include: math, language arts, social studies, and science. Students are offered four elective classes during a school year. Electives are semester- and/or year-long courses. Year-long electives, such as orchestra, choir, band, and drama take two elective spots. Students can take beginning choir and one instrument class (both are year-long courses) for an academic year. However, students will not be able to take two instrument classes during the academic year unless authorized by the teacher and approved by the assistant principal or principal. In addition, all students are required to take two computer science/coding classes per year. If the spring data shows your child with a deficit in reading or math, they may be required to participate in a reading and/or math intervention class which will require a schedule change. Students will not be able to repeat courses already completed.
Applications for Publication & Design, KGMS News, Student Council must be completed before a student is enrolled in the class. Applications are available below:
Publication & Design (7th & 8th grade only)
KGMS News (7th & 8th grade only)
2D Advanced Art (7th & 8th grade only)
Please understand the GMS secondary counseling team and administrators work hard to ensure students are able to participate in courses they have chosen. Unfortunately, not all classes will be scheduled due to course scheduling conflicts, class and/or seating availability. Students will have the opportunity to request a schedule change during the first two days of school. Sixth grade students have until Wed., Aug. 14th to submit the change request and 7th and 8th grade students have until Thurs., Aug. 15th . The Schedule Change Request forms will be available online at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year. If you have questions or concerns, please complete this form and the secondary counseling team will contact you.
6th Grade Schedule Request Form
Incoming 6th grade students can choose the elective classes they would like to participate in for the 2024-2025 school year. Please be sure classes are chosen by the most desired classes first. All 6th grade students are required to take two semester-long computer science/coding foundational classes (CS Express and Web Design). The 2024-2025 GMS Course Descriptions are available here.
Schedule change requests for 6th grade students are due to the counseling center by Wednesday, August 14th. No requests will be accepted after this date. The schedule change request forms will be available online at the GMS website at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please submit the Contact Form and the secondary counseling team will contact you as soon as possible.
7th Grade Schedule Request Form
The 2024-2025 7th grade students can choose their elective and computer science classes they would like to participate in for the 2024-2025 school year. Please be sure classes are chosen by the most desired classes first. The 2024-2025 GMS Course Descriptions are available here. Students will not be able to repeat courses already completed.
Schedule change requests for 7th graders are due to the the counseling center by Thursday, August 15th. No requests will be accepted after this date. The schedule change request forms will be available online at the GMS website at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please submit the Contact Form and the secondary counseling team will contact you as soon as possible.
8th Grade Schedule Request Form
The 2024-2025 8th grade students can choose their elective and computer science classes they would like to participate in for the 2024-2025 school year. Please be sure classes are chosen by the most desired classes first. The 2024-2025 GMS Course Descriptions are available here. Students will not be able to repeat courses already completed.
Schedule change requests for 8th graders are due to the the counseling center by Thursday, August 15th. No requests will be accepted after this date. The schedule change request forms will be available online at the GMS website at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please submit the Contact Form and the secondary counseling team will contact you as soon as possible
Schedule Change Requests
Secondary students may submit a schedule change request and/or have their schedules reviewed for administrative errors. All requests for schedule changes must be submitted through the Schedule Change Request form. Sixth grade students have until Wed., Aug. 14th to submit the change request and 7th and 8th grade students have until Thurs., Aug. 15th. No requests will be accepted after the dates provided. Students may access the Schedule Change Request on Monday, August 12th form here.